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There is strength in numbers. The population of Bay Area residents with Ethiopian heritage has steadily grown over the past decade. It is important that we attain maximum participation in the census, and identify our origin as ‘Ethiopian’ in the census questionnaire. Such information is vital in the allocation of government services and funds in areas such as





In addition, it increases the political influence of our community, as public officials and policy makers recognize the potential voting power of our community. It also helps ECS San Jose’s efforts to secure grant funding and other resources to be used directly benefit our community.

Uplift our Neighborhoods

  • Improve our schools

  • Improve our streets and roads

  • Build affordable houses

  • Increase jobs and business opportunities

Community Wellness

  • Build new hospitals

  • Improve health services

  • Increase jobs and business opportunities

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Question number 9 on the form asks about origin and gives Ethiopian as an option. Make sure you and your family put Ethiopia for this portion of the question. This will help to know the accurate Ethiopian origin population in general in the US as well as in our local areas.


For more information, click on the following links

This project has been made possible in part by a grant from Silicon Valley Community Foundation and United Way of Bay Area.

The census provides critical data that lawmakers, business owners, teachers, and many others use to provide daily services, products, and support for you and your community. Every year, billions of dollars in federal funding go to hospitals, fire departments, schools, roads, and other resources based on census data.

How to help? Spread the Word

You can share the most up-to-date and accurate Census Bureau news and information with your friends, family and followers on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Privacy and Security

The U.S. Census Bureau is bound by law to protect your answers and keep them strictly confidential. In fact, every employee takes an oath to protect your personal information for life.

The United States Census of 2020

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